Manage Large Content Websites with Ease
Client: Television Academy Foundation
Many public agencies run high demand online resources. Our website work focused on designing strong, well organized page templates for easier content creation, simplified workflow and approval processes for faster and higher quality data display and content publication, and search/monitoring tools for proactively discovering and addressing challenge points to reduce costly surprises. Flexible templates allow for teams within public agencies to approach campaign and other specialized content in unique ways while adhering to a framework that keeps the systems operating very efficiently.

Meetings & Agendas Management
Client: TJPA
FivePaths provides straightforward solutions to manage public meeting on the website. Quickly post agendas according to your specification in both accessible html and pdf formats. Date, time and location is highly visible and does not require the public to click around to find it. Organize supporting documents for each agenda item. Host meeting minutes and videos. Relate meetings to critical project pages for enhanced transparency. Automated publishing allows meetings to be scheduled per legal notification requirements.
Public Engagement, Updates and Notifications
Client: SFMTA
FivePaths provides multiple opportunities for agencies to engage the public online. Integrated web forms provide a configurable tool for receiving public input and for processing applications for services. Social media integration ensures the public can easily find and follow the agency across many social media channels. Special alerts, notifications and update features help agencies quickly post time sensitive information in the right places on the website - as a banner on the home page, updates on project progress, meeting status, transit service notifications and much more.

Document Retention Tools Tailored to Your Requirements
FivePaths provides best fit technology tools to make adherence to national, state and local document retention rules easy to follow. Define critical content to preserve, archive and remove. Set automation tools for maintaining the right content in the right places. Preserve content in historical archives with configurable levels of access to meet agency requirements. Ensure all content can be easily found in the service of public records requests and other stakeholder needs for past information.
Robust Project Resource Pages
Client: SFMTA
Give the public a clear, compelling and comprehensive review of all projects. Present the information in a flow that helps people quickly read the most vital information, access supporting documents and related meetings, while also providing easy tools for digging deep into the project as it has evolved over time. Hyperlinking strategies including custom aliasing, redirects, and QR codes allow agencies to provide very easy points of entry for the public.

Mobile, Multilingual, and Accessible Design Leaves Nobody Behind
Make sure that your entire public constituency can easily use your website. FivePaths is a top awarded vendor for digital accessibility and inclusion services and a technology marketplace vendor with the City and County of San Francisco. We are experts in meeting WCAG and Section 508 rules for website accessibility. We provide straightforward translation, including automated solutions utilizing Google and AI solutions, along with tools for your agency to quickly manage bespoke human translations. We will help your team determine how to identify vital information that may be subject to reading level and human translation requirements.